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Not Worth a Response

Some people and some things aren't even worth your time.

The situations that are difficult but necessary present the hope of a solution and/or resolution. And when something or someone doesn’t present themselves in that manner — it’s okay to LET IT GO. It’s really that simple…

Those that get it, get it and those that don’t, aren’t meant to. (Or to put it in bible terms, “Whoever has ears, let them hear.” Revelation 13:9)

The painful lesson I’m learning about being heavily empathetic is that I truly want to save everybody — but you can’t save someone who is committed to dying. And you can’t redeem a situation that won’t allow the truth. Not every story will have a happy ending, and not every wrong will be made right on Earth.

I’ve made peace with that. (And I know it's Godly because I can have peace in that.)

It’s sad. It’s heartbreaking… And... It’s life.

Doesn’t mean I stop praying for people and situations to see the truth or to have a breakthrough but I’ve learned to guard my heart around anticipating good things that are a direct result of someone else’s choices. — Wisdom is proven right by its results and you can tell a good tree by its fruit.

The relationships I have in my life with people who did show up to do the hard work…the situations where I found all to be involved, stumbled their way through the tough moments/conversations…the people who not only gave apologies but also received them — those are the people that deserve you. Those are the relationships you fight for.

They deserve your energy. They matter. And yes, they do exist.


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My name is Lex.


I'm a young adult that is just trying to figure out life! 

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